Spring Updates

It's almost Spring!

Spring is almost here and with that comes the inevitable transitions. Here we have some insight from 3 of our buyers, pictured above a few of the items they bring in.  Our hope is that this will help you plan your menus and stock your shelves.


John Burkett - Buyer

John Burkett - Buyer

Now moving into California with great quality fruit in all sizes. Mexico still in some sizes, for a price break. There are some 24ct single layer available, if you need fewer quantity. Remember: avocados should never be stored anywhere colder than 42 degrees.  It'll damage the fruit and you'll lose flavor and texture.


Price has backed off and there's better quality available.  Romas are still the best deal.  Grape tomato pricing has backed off a bit.  For cluster tomatoes, they are mostly out of Mexico.  You can find some from California.  Price is firm to higher, but great flavor!


Looking great and has great flavor!

Soft Squash

All prices have come WAY DOWN. Wire bound are back in, too.

  • Italian squash
  • Yellow squash
  • Grey squash

Active/High Prices

  • All colors of bell peppers
  • Green Beans
  • Cucumbers
  • Limes
  • All chili's 
  • Egg Plant
  • Grapes

Jason Petersen - Buyer

Jason Petersen - Buyer


They're beautiful. Great appearance. Super sweet. Recent rains have increased the size to juuuuust right.


Oxnard and Santa Maria are coming to a close. Watsonville and Salinas are due mid March. Quality has been good and prices are coming down.


Volume is down out of Oxnard and Mexico. Expect prices to increase a bit. Come April, things will start to settle down.


It is going to be tough until the new crop starts in August/September. The 2015 crop was small in volume and apple size. Large size apples are hard to find and will get tougher.


Mike Ball - Buyer

Mike Ball - Buyer


Supplies continue to be plentiful.  Bunch sizing ranging from 2 to 3 each on the 14ct, depending on location and shipping.  Stalk sizes are ranging from 25 cent to 50 cent diameters.  Many samples continue to show up branchy.  As far as defects are concerned, cat eye and purple case continue to be reported here and there.


Salinas is due to start this week.  Supplies will be plentiful.  Quality will be good.

Iceberg lettuce

Demand has slowed, so prices expected to back off. Quality has improved, but still not perfect. Supplies are tight. 

Leaf items

Supplies are plentiful.  Many shippers are close trimming their leaf items due to color issues.  Weights are generally 17 to 25lbs on red and green leaf with romaine ranging 30 to 38lbs depending on shipper and field location.

Herb demand to out do supply...an update from our supplier

The winter months are always characterized by herb shortages. (Herbs don’t like cold, wet weather!) This year so far is no different --- except the shortages are more severe and more widespread than normal. One possible reason for this is the excessive El Nino rains in California and Mexico, impacting both growth and quality. El Nino conditions are expected to continue in the coming months and perhaps intensify. This does not bode well for improved availability and quality in the immediate future.

Chives and tarragon have been very tight for quite some time now. Mint has recently become extremely tight. Basil and thyme may follow suit very shortly. I’m fairly certain other herbs (I don’t know which ones yet), will also experience supply deficits. Prices, following the law of supply and demand, have risen, and may rise significantly more if poor growing conditions persist.

Our extensive grower network has allowed us to navigate this situation quite well (although far from perfectly). We’ll continue to do the best we can in this challenging environment and keep you updated. 

Celery supply problems...update from our supplier

US(CA): Soil disease keeps celery volumes down

A soil disease has affected production of celery in California. With Yuma getting off to a slow start, light supplies on the market have kept prices high.

“Supplies are mostly coming out of Oxnard because Yuma hasn't started yet,” said Growers Express in Salinas, California. “But, because of the soil disease, volumes from Oxnard are about 75 percent of what's normal.” Along with the soil-borne fungus, called Fusarium oxysporum, warm weather and a lack of water during planting have kept celery supplies light.

“The market is very good right now,” said Marshall. Prices are 4 times higher than usual.

“It's been a crazy market because Oxnard supplies are really down,” said Marshall. “It won't be until the middle February, when most people switch down to Yuma, when we'll see better volumes.